RESPONSIBILITY: Senior Educational Administrator, Director of Instruction, Registrar, Instructor

    REVISION DATE: August 2024

    POLICY (In Class- Synchronous  Programs)

    Attendance in classes is necessary and missing classes can affect student learning.

    If students are having any issues which may affect their attending class for any reason, they should discuss this with their instructor.

    1. Each instructor will record, monitor, and report on the attendance of all students for all their courses.
    2. The Registrar’s office will keep the students’ attendance records.
    3. Students will be warned of attendance issues to resolve the matter.
    4. An email will be sent to advise the student of the issue if it continues.
    5. If a student does not maintain an attendance average of at least 80% in general program, they may not be permitted to extend the course which they are enrolled in.

    The consequence for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:

    When a student is absent from the College for a period of three consecutive calendar days without notifying the College of the reason for the absence, the student will be considered as having been dismissed from the course and will have to re-take the course as soon as practical and possible.

    When a student is absent from the College for a period of ten consecutive calendar days without notifying the College of the reason for the absence, the student will be disenrolled from the program.

    The student will have to successfully repeat the course to receive credit for that course.

    Absences may only be excused at the discretion of the Director of Instruction or the SEA but will still be considered as an absence. If the absence is due to excusable absences, the student may be asked to provide a medical note explaining his/her absence, and there may be no charge for re-taking the course.

    1. Excusable absences may include medical/ health issues or serious personal issues. Students should inform their instructor as soon as possible. 
    1. The program may be extended for the student depending on circumstances. The SEA or Director will review the matter.

    Student Responsibilities 

    Students are expected to:

    1. Report any absence due to illness or other reason to their instructor within 2 hours on the first and all subsequent days of absence either by phone or e-mail.
    2. Maintain the attendance requirement.
    3. Provide a doctor’s note to support absences of more than 3 consecutive days.

    If unexcused absenteeism is chronic, an ‘attendance contract’ may be arranged with the student; and if this is breached, relevant sections of the dismissal policy may be followed.

    POLICY (Distance Programs-Online)

    Clock hours for distance education courses are set out in the course outlines (estimated)

    1. Participation in courses is necessary and not following the course plans and requirements each week can affect student learning.
    2. If students are having any issues which may affect their participation for any reason, they should discuss this with their Instructor. 
    3. Each instructor will record, monitor, and report on student participation.
    4. The registrar’s Office will keep the students’ “attendance” records.
    5. Students will be warned of attendance (participation) issues so to resolve the matter early.
    6. An email will be sent to advise the student of the issue if it continues.
    7. If a student does not maintain an attendance average of at least 80% in the general program, they may not be permitted to extend the course which they are enrolled in.

    The consequence for students who do not meet the minimum attendance requirements listed above are as follows:

    When a student has not participated in two weeks of course work in a distance or combined delivery (asynchronous and synchronous) course without notifying the College of the reason for the absence, the student will be considered as having been dismissed from the course and will have to re-take the course as soon as practical and possible. When a student is absent from the College for a period of four weeks of course work in an on-line course without notifying the College of the reason for the absence, the student will be disenrolled from the program. The student will have to successfully repeat the course to receive credit for that course.

    Absences may only be excused at the discretion of the Director or the SEA but will still be considered as an absence. If the absence is due to excusable absence, the student may be asked to provide a medical note explaining his/her absence, and there may be no charge for re-taking the course.

    1. If a student does not maintain participation by demonstrating that they are following the requirements of the course, they may not be permitted to extend the course which they are enrolled in.
    1. Excusable participation “absences” may include college breaks, medical/ health issues, serious personal issues. Students should discuss their absence as soon as possible with their instructor. 
    1. The program may be extended for the student depending on circumstances. The SEA will review the matter and decide based on the situation along with the advice of the Instructor and Director.

    Student Responsibilities

    Students are expected to:

    • Report any ‘absence’ due to illness or other reason to the instructor as soon as possible.
    • Maintain the attendance/ participation requirement.
    • Provide a doctor’s note to support absences of more than 3 consecutive days.

    RESPONSIBILITY: All employees, All enrolled students

    REVISION DATE: May 2019


    The staff at CCBC are committed to ensuring that its learning environment promotes respectful and fair treatment of all students and policy of non-discrimination.

    The core values that guide the College’s internal and external interactions with each other and the community:

    • We believe cultural and social diversity is essential to our long-term success.
    • We celebrate learning as a lifelong achievement for students, staff, and faculty.
    • Our entrepreneurial spirit and our pursuit of academic excellence will guide our business practices.
    • We strive for fairness in all decisions.

    While on College premises or during activities or events hosted by the College the following activities are prohibited:

    • Bullying, harassment, and/or discrimination. Violence- perceived or actual.
    • Theft, willful damage to student property, College property and/or illegal activity.

    If under any circumstances, a prohibited activity occurs, the following outlines the process for addressing the activity:

    The situation, if urgent, should be reported to Director or Senior Education Administrator verbally or in writing as soon as possible.

    If urgent, the student should approach an employee of the College who will assess the urgency of the situation and act accordingly (for example, call the police in the case of violence) and as needed, refer the matter immediately to the Director or SEA.

    The student can request a confidential meeting with the SEA. Every member of the College community has the right to file a complaint of discrimination/harassment. At some point, the DISPUTE POLICY and/or other related polices / legal considerations may take effect.


    RESPONSIBILITY: All employees, All enrolled students

    REVISION DATE: July 2024


    CCBC is committed to the prevention of and appropriate response to sexual misconduct.

    Sexual misconduct refers to a spectrum of non-consensual sexual contact and behavior including the following:

    • sexual assault;
    • sexual exploitation;
    • sexual harassment;
    • stalking;
    • indecent exposure;
    • voyeurism;
    • the distribution of a sexually explicit photograph or video of a person to one or more persons other than the person in the photograph or video without the consent of the person in the photograph or video and with the intent to distress the person in the photograph or video;
    • the attempt to commit an act of sexual misconduct; and
    • the threat to commit an act of sexual misconduct.

    A Complaint of sexual misconduct is different than a Report of sexual misconduct. A Complaint is when the victim/survivor discloses or chooses to tell someone at the institution of an incident of sexual misconduct in order to seek support but may not want to make a formal report to police or the institution. A Report is a formal notification of an incident of sexual misconduct to someone at the institution accompanied by a request for action. A Report does not have to be made by the victim/survivor. 

    A student making a Complaint will be provided with resolution options and, if appropriate, accommodation, and will not be required or pressured to make a Report.

    The process for making a Complaint about sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

    • The student can contact the Senior Education Administrator or the Director of Instruction by email or phone.

    The process for responding to a Complaint of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

    • The Senior Education Administrator or the Director of Instruction will respond to the student within 1 day of receiving the complaint.

    The process for making a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

    • The student can make a report with the Senior Educator Administrator or the Director of Instruction by email or phone.

    The process for responding to a Report of sexual misconduct involving a student is as follows:

    • The Senior Education Administrator or the Director of Instruction will respond to the student within 1 day of receiving the report.

    It is contrary to this policy for an institution to retaliate, engage in reprisals or threaten to retaliate in relation to a Complaint or a Report.

    Any processes undertaken pursuant to this policy will be based on the principles of administrative fairness. All parties involved will be treated with dignity and respect.

    All information related to a Complaint or Report is confidential and will not be shared without the written consent of the parties, subject to the following exceptions:

    • If an individual is at imminent risk of severe or life-threatening self-harm.
    • If an individual is at imminent risk of harming another.
    • There are reasonable grounds to believe that others in the institutional community may be at significant risk of harm based on the information provided.
    • Where reporting is required by law.
    • Where it is necessary to ensure procedural fairness in an investigation or other response to a Complaint or Report.

    In all instances the institution will:

    • Ensure the safety of the victim/survivor. 
    • As appropriate, provide emergency numbers for on and off campus security (if applicable), law enforcement, medical assistance, mental health services, and other services. 
    • Respect the right of the individual to choose the services they consider most appropriate.

    This institution is certified by the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB). Certified institutions must comply with regulatory requirements, including the requirement to have a Sexual Misconduct policy. For more information about PTIB, go to www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca.    


     RESPONSIBILITY: Senior Educational Administrator, Director of Instruction, Registrar, Instructor

    REVISION DATE: July 2024


    1. This policy governs complaints from students respecting Coastal College of British Columbia and any aspect of its operations.
    2. A student who makes or is otherwise involved in a complaint will not be subject to any form of retaliation by the institution at any time.
    3. The process by which the student complaint will be handled is as follows:
    • All student complaints must be made in writing.
    • The Senior Educational Administrator or Director will review any complaints. Within 5 days of receiving the complaint, the Director or Senior Educational Administrator will arrange to meet with the student to discuss the concern(s).
    • Following the meeting with the student, the Director or the Senior Educational Administrator will conduct whatever further inquiry or investigation is necessary to determine whether the concerns can be substantiated.
    • Any necessary inquiries or investigations shall be completed within 10 college days of the initial meeting with the student. This timeline can be extended with approval of the Director if the complaint is deemed complicated and requires additional time.
    • The Director or Senior Educational Administrator will connect with the student and or other persons and do one of the following:
    • Determine that the concern(s) were not substantiated; or
    • Determine that the concern(s) were substantiated, in whole or in part.
    • The Senior Educational Administrator will prepare a written summary of the determination and a report of what action (s) may be taken. This summary and report will be reviewed and approved by the Director.
    • A copy shall be given to the student and the original will be placed in the student’s file. If the student is under 19 years of age, a copy will be sent to their guardian/ parent.
    • Written reasons for the determination will be provided to the student within 30 days after the date on which the complaint was made.
    • The written reasons will advise a student, that if the student is dissatisfied with the determination, and has been misled by the institution regarding any significant aspect of that program, the student may file a complaint with the Private Training Institutions Branch (PTIB) (www.privatetraininginstitutions.gov.bc.ca). Complaints must be filed with PTIB within one year of the date a student completes, is dismissed from, or withdraws from the program.


    4. The student making the complaint may be represented by an agent or a lawyer.


    POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: December 2017

    RESPONSIBILITY: SEA, Director of Instruction, Registrar, Instructor

    REVISION DATE: July 2024


    Students are expected to be honest in all their activities at the College. All forms of cheating and/or plagiarism are unacceptable:

    • Copying from another student’s test or homework.
    • Allowing another student to copy from your test or homework.
    • Using materials such as textbooks, notes, or formula lists during a test without permission.
    • Having someone else write or plan a paper/ assignment/project.
    • Collusion is the act of two or more students working together on an individual assignment without permission.

    Academic misconduct is the violation of college policies by tampering with grades or by obtaining and/or distributing any part of a test or assignment. For example:


    1. Distributing, or accepting, either for money or for free, a test before it is administered.
    2. Encouraging others to obtain a copy of a test before the test is administered.
    3. Changing grades in a grade book, on a computer, or on an assignment.
    4. Continuing to work on a test after time is called.
    5. Unauthorized use of computer or calculator programs.
    6. Disruptive behavior is any behavior that interferes with the teaching/learning process.

    Plagiarism, which includes:

    Submission of any work for assessment not done by the student without full and clear identification and acknowledgment of the actual author or creator of the work or source.


    The student has the onus and the burden of proof of the integrity of their work.

    The instructor will consult with the SEA or Director to determine the severity of the situation and determine the consequences which may range from a zero grade on an evaluation to academic warning, suspension and/or dismissal


    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 2017

    RESPONSIBILITY: Senior Educational Administrator, Director of Instruction, Registrar

    REVISION DATE:     July 2024

    Education Assistant Program and Esthetics Program

     PTIB approved programs- In-class, Combined Delivery, or Synchronous Distance Delivery


    Approved Programs- In-class, Combined Delivery, or Synchronous Distance Delivery

    Refund Due

    Before program start date, institution receives a notice of withdrawal:

    • No later than seven days after student signed the enrolment contract, and
    • Before the program start date.

    100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee. Related fees include: administrative fees, assessment fees, and fees charged for textbooks or other course materials.

    • No later than seven days after the program’s start date, the institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal. 

    Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition, to a maximum of $1,000 paid or payable under a contract.

    After program start date, institution provides a notice of dismissal or receives a notice of withdrawal (applies to all approved programs, other than solely asynchronous distance education-only programs) : 

    ●       After the program start date, and up to and including 10% of instruction hours have been provided.

    Institution may retain up to 10% of tuition paid or payable under a contract. 

    ●       After the program start date, and after more than 10%, but before 30% of instruction hours, have been provided.

    Institution may retain up to 30% of tuition paid or payable under a contract. 

    ●       After the program start date, and after more than 30%, but before 50% of instruction hours, have been provided.

    Institution may retain up to 50% of tuition paid or payable under a contract. 

    ●       After the start date, and after more than 50% of instruction hours have been provided. 

    No refund due

    Student does not attend program – “no-show” (applies to all students except those enrolled in a program

    delivered solely by asynchronous distance education):

    ●       Student does not attend the first 30% of the program.

    Institution may retain up to 50% of the tuition paid under a contract. 

    Institution receives a refusal of study permit (applies to international students requiring a study permit):

    ●       Before 30% of instruction hours would have been provided, had the student started the program on the later of the following:

    a)     The program start date in the most recent Letter of Acceptance

    b)     The program start date in the enrolment contract

    ●       Student has not requested additional Letter(s) of Acceptance.

    100% tuition and all related fees, other than application fee.


    For programs NOT requiring PTIB approval


    The ECEA and the Caregiver courses of instruction do not require approval under the Private Training Act; and, as such, students cannot file a claim against the fund with the trustee in respect of these programs of instruction.

    The institution will refund 100% of the tuition and all related fees, other than application fees, if both of the following apply:

    • The student does not attend the program, and
    • The institution receives from the student a notice of withdrawal or a copy of refusal of a study permit no later than 30 days after the later of:
      1. the start date of the program in the most recent Letter of Acceptance
      2. the start date of the program in the enrolment contract.

    The refund will be paid within 30 days of the date the institution receives the notice of withdrawal or copy of study permit refusal.


    EFFECTIVE DATE: December 2017

    RESPONSIBILITY: SEA, Director of Instruction, Registrar, Instructor


    REVISION DATE: August  2024




    The College is committed to providing a healthy, safe working and learning environment for all staff, students, and visitors, and to reduce the risks of accident or injury for the purpose of maintaining a safe environment.


    Health and Safety


    The College follows health and safety guidelines relevant to the types of programs offered.


    A review of the guidelines will be conducted annually to ensure the guidelines are being followed.

    Any possible breaches or concerns relating to the guidelines must be directed immediately to the Instructor, Director or SEA. Students, Employees, visitors, and clients can discuss relevant matters. Any immediate safety concerns will be addressed immediately; not urgent or more general concerns be recorded and reviewed by the SEA within 72 hours.


    WorkSafe BC – https://www.worksafebc.com/en/law-policy/occupational-health- safety/searchable-ohs-regulation

    OH/ safety guidelines: https://www.worksafebc.com/en/law-policy/occupational-health- safety/searchable-ohs-regulation/ohs-regulation

    Procedure for Fire Safety

    1. The SEA and the Director ensure that sufficient fire suppression equipment is available as needed throughout the whole campus and that all fire suppression equipment is examined by a qualified inspector at least annually.
    2. The SEA and the Director ensure that all employees receive training in both the operation of the fire suppression equipment and college fire evacuation procedures.

    3. The SEA and Director are responsible for preparing and posting emergency exit instructions route maps in each classroom.
    4. In the event of a fire emergency, staff will immediately contact the fire department (911) relaying the location of the campus and will give the details of the type of fire if known, location and follow the instructions of the 911 operator.
    5. All persons will evacuate the campus under the direction of senior staff.

    1. Instructors will escort their students to the safety area identified on the exit plan, ensuring that he or she takes the class lists with them. The instructor will check the students present against the class list and will immediately advise the SEA or Director if anyone is missing.
    1. The SEA or the Director will act as a liaison between fire officials and students or employees during the emergency. If necessary, the SEA or Director will authorize college closure.
    1. No student or employee will re-enter the campus until the fire officials have authorized re-entry.

    Procedure for Earthquake Safety

    1. The SEA or Director ensure that adequate precautions are taken throughout the campus to assure that injury due to falling or unstable items during an earthquake is limited, this may include securing file cabinets and shelving and keeping binders below head-level.
    2. The SEA or Director ensure that all employees receive training in the college earthquake evacuation procedures.
    3. The SEA or Director prepares and post emergency instructions and exit route maps in each classroom at the campus with the exit specifically noted in a colored highlight.
    4. In the event of an earthquake emergency, all staff and students will take cover and remain under cover until the shaking stops.
    5. When deemed safe to do so, all persons will evacuate the campus.

    1. Instructors will escort their students to the safety area set out in the exit plans, ensuring that he or she takes the class lists with them. The instructor will check the students present against the list of students in attendance that day and will immediately advise the SEA or the Director if anyone is missing.

    1. The SEA and the Director will act as a liaison between rescue officials and students / employees during the emergency. If necessary, the SEA or Director will authorize college closure.
    1. No persons will re-enter the campus until the officials have authorized re-entry.